Friday, December 20, 2019

The War Of The United States - 1858 Words

This country has grown from thirteen colonies (states) to fifty within three hundred years. When you ask â€Å"What do you think of the United States?† Many people would say leadership, ambition, and fear. Leadership because we have demonstrated to the world that not only we can take care of ourselves but help more nations along the way; we have also made many inventions, the use of electricity, the car, the first movie, etc. Determination because even though at the beginning we were a small little union we defeated the power house at the time (Britain) not once but twice. Ambition because we as Americans always look forward to the future and we do things to make our lives better and not worse. Lastly fear because everybody knows that the one country they can t mess with is the United States (just stating the truth). I might be speaking the truth with all this but United States has grown through rough times one of them being World War Two; being one of the most significant war s in history. The beginning of the war for us was pearl harbor, a horrible event that would forever mark this nation. From then on thousands of soldiers were sent to fight the Japanese and the Germans. Although the United States had soldiers to protect the American citizens during the war, there were still more people needed. I believe that the entertainment industries such as Disney, DC Comics and Marvel helped create propaganda during World War Two that benefited the United States because they felt it wasShow MoreRelatedThe War Of The United States1377 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Spanish-American War to the two world wars to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States has positioned itself to be the world’s superpower. The ability of â€Å"Big Brother† United States to maneuver through land, sea, air, or virtual space makes the U.S. virtually unstoppable. As the world’s policeman, America pays a heavy toll in human life. However, if the United States ceases to fight against human atrocities, who will. Imagine policemen in the United States quitting and we noRead MoreThe War Of The United States1639 Words   |  7 PagesP.6 9 February 2015 Iraq War The United States has intervened in many countries throughout history. Some countries became better off with the help that was given by the United States, while other countries stayed static, or became even worse. The war with Iraq is a great example of the horrors that the United States can create when she decides to mess with other countries. America thought that she knew what was best for Iraq, but America was wrong. The United States should not have gotten involvedRead MoreThe War Of The United States920 Words   |  4 Pagesof The United States, Bill Clinton, stood before a crowd of just about 4000 onlookers and millions more viewing from home. For those in attendance, and around the country, this was a extraordinary day. Memorial Day brings out many emotions for millions of people every year, emotions such as pride, fear, anger, sadness or anxiety. Memories of loved ones gone, a parent one may not have met because he was killed in battle while they were yet to be born, a fellow brother or sister of the United StatesRead MoreThe War Of The United States974 Words   |  4 PagesAlong with troops, the United States was backed by the american war machine, what almost seemed like an endless supply of industry, manufacturing, and the capital for both. This represented the power shift to the other side of the Atlantic. Britain’s financial resources were in a desperate situation, and their unquestionable international supremacy was going along with it. Going into the end of 1941, XXX reflected on this shift on the horizon. â€Å"‘Our War’ had become the world war, in which we were aRead MoreThe War Of The United States1702 Words   |  7 PagesChurchill proclaimed when Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Lend-Lease Act, giving tens of billions of dollars worth of war materiel and supplies to the enemies of Germany in the Second World War. (Underhill 69). As the democracies of Europe fell to the fascist menace, the USA acted as a f inal bastion against the Axis, fighting an industrial and economic ‘undeclared war’ from the signing of the Lend-Lease Act on March 11, 1941 to the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7 of the same year. TheRead MoreThe War Of The United States1682 Words   |  7 PagesSeptember 11, 2001 al-Qaeda launched a terrorist attack on the United States of America. The attack provoked the United States in retaliation. The U.S. was after al-Qaeda’s leader Osama bin Laden. The Iraq and Afghanistan war became the longest war in United States history. Music was being pumped out left and right from artist to pay their respects to the soldiers, and men and women who lost their lives through the war. The music was made special because no matter what genre of music was producedRead MoreThe United States Of The War1294 Words   |  6 PagesThe United States of America under president Woodrow Wilson was aiming to remain neutral in the war. Instead of directly being involved in th e war, they instead found a way to make a profit off the war, by supplying ammunition to the British Army. Wilson was opposed to the war due to being raised up by an anti-violence minister and didn’t want American progress to halt by joining the war. America’s economic power was greatly increasing during the war due to the ability to trade with all sides andRead MoreThe War Of The United States1450 Words   |  6 PagesEurope was embroiled in the greatest war the world had ever seen. Even after the warring nations nearly exhausted their manpower and resources, no nation clearly grasped victory; however, when United States declared war upon the Central Powers on April 4th, 1917, victory rapidly approached and the Entente Powers achieved that victory on November 11th, 1918. Although, was an American declaration of war actually necessary for an Entente victory? The United States supplied the Entente with an immenseRead MoreThe War Of The United States1554 Words   |   7 Pagesdawn of human existence many have understood the importance of service to one s society. It existed during the early stages of civilization when hunter-gatherers came of age to hunt with the older men of their clan. It also aided in freeing the United States from the tight grip of British tyranny. It was a burden many understood as relevant, but is now seen in an unappealing light. Former president Abraham Lincoln made a statement that the principle of the draft was not new and has been practiced inRead MoreThe War Of The United States1122 Words   |  5 PagesSwimming against a current of pro-war fervor, McKinley stuck to his guns and persisted on remaining diplomatic with the investigation of the Maine explosion still ongoing. This seemed to infuriate the entire nation. Jingoists in congress, yellow journalists and the American public were clamoring for Spanish blood after the Maine, and to them McKinley came across as a feeble leader. McKinley offered one last chance for Spain to avoid war by agreeing to an armistice. He thought that the Spanish would

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Yaqui Tribe free essay sample

Journal Entry Yulanda Hamissi ETH 125 This is the story about the history of the Yaqui tribe from Mexico. I will give details on the history of our culture in Mexico and migration to the United States. In addition, I will include details on our annexation and colonization both in Mexico and The United States. Many changes have occurred in our history but none of these have changed the basics of our culture or beliefs. Originally, our people lived isolated in the valley of the Rio Yaqui in Northern Mexico state of Sonora and the desert region in the southwest known as Arizona. We call ourselves â€Å"Yoeme† which translated means â€Å"people. † Our homeland is called â€Å"Hiakim,† which is where some say â€Å"Yaqui† originated. Some also think it came from a Spaniard asked the Yoemem who they were and the response was, â€Å"ya aqui,† which means â€Å"already here. † We were separate from the other tribal empires in our area such as the Aztec and Toltec. We will write a custom essay sample on Yaqui Tribe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our ancestors were skillful warriors despite being a peaceful people with no â€Å"government† in place. Our people survived by farming and gathering foods. Dancing continues to be a huge part of our culture. This is how we pass our history and legends down to the next generation. Beautifully orchestrated dances and songs told in wonderful detail the stories about historic, personal, or cultural legends that are held in high regard by our people. On three separate occasions, the Spanish tried to take over our land and belongings and were unsuccessful in their attempts. Our people gathered over 7000 warriors in only a few short hours to defeat the Spanish armies. However, our tribe always has preferred peace. The Jesuit priests came to inhabit the land in the early 1600s. They came to convert people to Christianity. We lived together in harmony for a little over a century and many of our people converted. The relationship also brought advantages such as modern farming ideas, tools, and architecture. Then the Mexican government forced the Jesuits to leave the area when they discovered silver on the Yaqui land. The Yaqui combined with neighboring Mayo tribe fought for freedom from Spain and later Mexico. This war went on for almost 200 years. Many When smallpox infected our people around the late 1800s, there were only about 4000 of our people left. We continued to fight under the command of Cajeme, meaning â€Å"He Who Does Not Drink,† and John Maldonado also known as Tetabiakte, meaning â€Å"Rolling Stone. † Then in 1897, a peace treaty was signed and our tribes were relocated to Arizona by the Mexican government. An Arizona governor did try to restore our land and end the war. However, the governor that took his place ended that quickly. In 1927 we lost the at Cerro del Gallo, â€Å"Rooster Hill. † Physically we were defeated but morally we still stood strong. Mexican President Cardenas decided to restore our land and officially acknowledged our heritage in 1939. We wanted land of our own to start farms and begin to rebuild our population. The government did eventually give us some land in 1915 but it was worthless for farming. My parents had met and married around this time. My father was doing manual labor and my mother acquired a job as a seamstress. Everyday she walked two hours to work, worked ten hours, and two hours home. This was to keep basic needs covered because currency was the only means of payment at that time. The heavy hand of the depression hit our small community hard and many returned to our native land. My parents continued to struggle to make ends meet and my father volunteered to serve in WW II. He was fortunate enough to return from the war. Our community was in dire need of improvements and the government was slow with help. Roads were paved but most of our homes had no running water or sewage systems. Only a few people were able to buy cars but they did share it with family and friends in the community. Many like my father still worked in the fields until construction started for the highway. Our population had increased to almost 5000 and continued to thrive despite the disadvantages. We continue to fight for our beliefs and rights. Yaqui people have gone though many struggles since Europeans came into our country and tried to take control of our land and enslave our people. Even though by nature we are a peaceful people, we fought to remain in control of our culture and way of life. Our future is still unknown and many more struggles lay ahead. The lessons from our history will aid in our survival and continue to help us be a strong, independent people. References Sandoval, E. Q. (2005). Pascua Yaqui Tribe. Pascua Yaqui Tribe. Retrieved from http://www. pascuayaquitribe. org/history_and_culture/history/index. shtml Lobo, S. , Peters, K. (2001). American Indians and the urban experience. Walnut Creek, CA: Rowman Altamira. http://books. google. com/books? id=iWBEVTZtHbcCpg=PA59lpg=PA59dq=yaqui+annexationsource=blots=AnQg7ng_7Asig=IQmawuHu_cAoX5sV6nydrs8vWxMhl=enei=GtUCTOj5E6T4Mpbb4Tssa=Xoi=book_resultct=result#v=onepageq=yaqui%20annexationf=false

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

August Wilsons Fences Essay Example For Students

August Wilsons Fences Essay It is easy to make the case that August Wilsons play Fences is a tragedy and that Troy Maxson is its tragic protagonist. Few comedies end with a funeral, and there is no denying that Troys character and life are the stuff of tragedy. But Wilsons vision is much larger than Troys heroic side, his deeds and omissions. Troy, for all his strengths, is flawed humanity in need of grace and forgiveness. Such grace and forgiveness are the spirit of true comedy, and a case can be made for viewing Fences as a comedy or, perhaps, a metacomedy. The protagonist of Fences is former baseball player-turned Pittsburgh garbage man Troy Maxson, and the antagonist is clearly racism. It is racism which has defied Troy Maxson at every turn and his skin color stood in the way of his quest to grab a piece of the American dream for himself and his family. Racism creates the conflict, which causes Troy to feel that he has been fenced in by a discriminatory society. It has heated tensions within the Maxson home between Troy and his wife, Rose, and Troy and his son Cory. August Wilson establishes an impression of the 53-year-old Troy Maxson early in Act I, writing that he is a large man with thick, heavy hands; it is this largeness that he strives to fill out and make an accommodation with. Together with his blackness, his largeness informs his sensibilities and the choices he has made in his life He can be crude and almost vulgar, though he is capable of rising to profound heights of expression (1). The central focus of the play is clearly Troy his family relationships, his adulterous affair with Alberta

Thursday, November 28, 2019

To What Extent Is Language the Most Important Way of Knowing Essay Example

To What Extent Is Language the Most Important Way of Knowing? Essay To what extent is language the most important way of knowing? To answer this question, let us first define language and knowledge. Language is any system of formalized symbols, signs, sounds, gestures, or the like used or conceived as a means of communicating. 1While knowledge is a justified true belief. In my opinion, language is an important way of knowing; however it is not the most important. Language is not restricted to merely words, it encompasses actions as well. Without it, how can we communicate and thus obtain knowledge. We often acquire knowledge from books, teachings and actions. With that in mind, let us ask ourselves: What would we understand from these if there were no language in the world? Nothing. However, language is biased. Who is to say whether a person is a terrorist or freedom fighter, after all, the definitions of these two words are similar, but their connotations are different. It may be argued that language is only one of the four ways of knowing, however, I would like to emphasize that language is the basis of emotion, reason and perception. People may say that we can infer happiness from a smile; and sadness from a frown, however, as mentioned earlier, isn’t the smile or frown an action, a language? Another example of language controlling emotion would be where we are able to derive sorrow from the phrase â€Å"I am sorry for your loss†. On the other hand, emotions could have control over language. When we are angry, we would use certain different words as compared to when we are happy. This means that we emotions control the use of words, in contrast to the earlier view that we use words to express different emotions. We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Is Language the Most Important Way of Knowing? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Is Language the Most Important Way of Knowing? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Is Language the Most Important Way of Knowing? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Language is used to perceive. For example, people are shown three pictures, one of a man about to kick a ball, one of the same man having just kicked a ball, and a third of a different man who is about to kick a ball. They are then asked which two of the three are the most similar. Indonesians generally choose the first two pictures, which have the same man in them, while English speakers are likely to identify the two pictures that show the ball about to be kicked—an emphasis on the chronological, rather than the spatial, relationship between the principal objects in the picture. However, in different languages the divides between, say, red and pink may be different, but this does not imply that people speaking different languages do not perceive the difference between a darker pink and a lighter pink. Through this, we can see that humans are capable to perceive the objective world overcoming the biases that language may impose. The 19th century German Philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt claimed that language was directly connected to thinking. 3 I agree with his claim. We are born with the gift of language. Even people without the five senses possess some form of language relative to their own existence. To be able to reason, we need to think, thus we need a medium in which to think, language provides this. For example, in mathematics, we use symbols to logic out the problem and deduce the result. These symbols are forms of language. Conversely, language is biased, thus it may cloud reason. Through perception of language, we may have preference for one thing compared to another. For instance, a biased claim such as â€Å"Jimmy Carter is a bigot†4 is full of fallacies, such as the red herring fallacy and the appeal to emotions and novelty. These fallacies defy reason hence are not knowledge. To conclude, I feel that language is a good attempt to link the ways of knowing together, however, it is not without its drawbacks, thus it as yet cannot be considered the most important way of knowing. 1: http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/language 2: http://cognation. stanford. edu/press/economist/ 3: http://www. physicsforums. com/archive/index. php/t-27551. html 4: news. yahoo. com/s/ap/20080425/ap_on_re_us/un_israeli_ambassador

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Small Magellanic Cloud

The Small Magellanic Cloud The Small Magellanic Cloud is a favorite stargazing target for southern hemisphere observers. Its actually a galaxy. Astronomers classify it as a dwarf  irregular type galaxy that is roughly 200,000 light-years from our Milky Way galaxy. It is part of the Local Group of more than 50 galaxies that are gravitationally bound together in this region of the universe. Formation of the Small Magellanic Cloud Close study of the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds indicates that they were both once barred spiral galaxies. Over time, however, gravitational interactions with the Milky Way distorted their shapes, tearing them apart. The result is a pair of irregularly shaped galaxies that are still interacting with each other and with the Milky Way. Properties of the Small Magellanic Cloud The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is roughly 7,000 light-years in diameter (about 7% of the Milky Ways diameter) and contains about 7 billion solar masses (less than one percent of the mass of the Milky Way). While it is about half the size of its companion, the Large Magellanic Cloud, the SMC contains nearly as many stars (about 7 billion versus 10 billion), meaning it has a higher stellar density. However, the star formation rate is currently lower for the Small Magellanic Cloud. This is probably because it has less free gas than its larger sibling, and, therefore, had periods of more rapid formation in the past. It has used up most of its gas and that has now slowed down starbirth in that galaxy. The Small Magellanic Cloud  is also the more distant of the two. Despite this, it is still visible from the southern hemisphere. To see it well, you should search it out in clear, dark skies from any southern hemisphere location. Its visible in the evening skies beginning in late October through January. Most people mistake the Magellanic Clouds for storm clouds in the distance.   Discovery of the Large Magellanic Cloud Both the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are prominent in the night sky. The first recorded word of its position in the sky was noted by the Persian astronomer Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi, who lived and observed in the middle of the 10th century. It wasnt until the early 1500s that various writers began recording the presence of the clouds during their voyages across the ocean. In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan brought it into popularity through his writings. His contribution to their discovery eventually led to their naming in his honor.   However, it really wasnt until the 20th century that astronomers realized the Magellanic Clouds were actually whole other galaxies separate from our own. Before that, these objects, along with other fuzzy patches in the sky, were assumed to be individual nebulae in the Milky Way galaxy. Close studies of the light from variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds allowed astronomers to determine accurate distances to these two satellites. Today, astronomers study them for evidence of star formation, star death, and interactions with the Milky Way Galaxy. Will the Small Magellanic Cloud Merge With the Milky Way Galaxy? Research suggests that both the Magellanic Clouds have orbited the Milky Way galaxy at roughly the same distance for a significant portion of their existence. However, it is not likely that they have ventured as close as their current position very often. This has led some scientists to suggest that the Milky Way will eventually consume the much smaller galaxies. They do have trailers of hydrogen gas streaming between them, and to the Milky Way. This gives some evidence of interactions between the three galaxies. However, recent studies with such observatories as the Hubble Space Telescope seem to show that these galaxies are moving too fast in their orbits. This could keep them from colliding with our galaxy. That doesnt rule out closer interactions in the future, as Andromeda Galaxy closes in on an long-term interaction with the Milky Way. That dance of the galaxies will change the shapes of all the galaxies involved in drastic ways.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assessed assignment 2 - Data Analysis Exercise Essay

Assessed assignment 2 - Data Analysis Exercise - Essay Example The plural form of ‘time’ is used in English but in specific contexts and with different connotations. Lot of – the speaker has used this term to qualify both count as well as non- count nouns. He seems to prefer this term and has never used ‘very† or â€Å"many’ as native speakers would have done. One children, a children –We do find subject verb agreement between â€Å"are’ and ‘children’. The speaker says, â€Å"there are only one children.’ For the native speaker, it is an irregular plural but the speaker has mis-analysed the form, hence his use of one/a is consistent with his treatment of this form as singular. We can conclude that for speaker A, children is semantically singular but syntactically plural. The bare verb form is used as nominals where native speakers would use –ing form for deriving nominals from verbs in these contexts. When –ing forms of verbs are used as nouns or adjectives they are called gerunds. Own – this word sounds more or less like earn. Perhaps, the speakers have never come across the word in writing or have never learnt it as an item of vocabulary, but may have just heard the word from others in speech. Hence they replaced it by the similar sounding word that they knew. Independent, independence – Both have made a different kind of mistake and both are incorrect. When natives speak about being independent of something, there is an implication that it was a nuisance or troublesome. It cannot be said about parents. The speaker B uses the noun form where the adjective form should be used. From the use of the above regular and irregular plurals, we can conclude that speaker B uses these words correctly and target like. He seems to have understood the count noun singular –plural contrast. CONCLUSION – The two speakers are similar in the way they diverge from the expected target forms in some respects, and different in other respects.